Dryden Forest Management

About DFMC

Forest Management

Sustainable Forestry Initiative Certification







Dryden Forest Management Company Limited

CCSIC - SFI Dryden Forest Management Company Limited was established August 21, 1997, subsequently issued a Sustainable Forest License from the Ontario Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry on June 10, 1998 to provide management of the Dryden Forest, approximately 136,000 hectares of forested land.

DFMC is currently owned by 10 shareholders, each with logging experience. A Board of Directors is elected by the shareholders to provide direction and support to the management team of DFMC

The Dryden Forest includes Crown managed land within the Dryden District and the Northwest Region of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

The Trans-Canada Highway (Hwy #17) traverses the Dryden Forest east to west, with Hwy #105 running north to Red Lake, Hwy #72 running north to Sioux Lookout and Hwy #502 running south to Fort Frances. In addition, there is a well developed network of Local Roads Board and Forestry Access (primary and branch) roads.

The current Forest Management Plan provide direction for forestry activities to occur while ensuring a sustainable balance of social, economic and environmental values.


Emergencies & Police 911
Forest Fire Reporting 1-807-310-FIRE (3473)
Spills Action Centre 1-800-286-6060

(C) Dryden Forest Management Company Limited
All Rights Reserved